Star Wars Party Games


Looking for unique party games for your Star Wars themed party?  Welcome to the Jedi Training Academy. 

Challenge your guests to complete the following training regiment.  Upon completion all participants will graduate and become Jedi.  Their reward?  — A light saber makes the perfect party favor.


1.        Four Corners of the Universe

Test your senses.  See if you can guess where the Jedi Trainees are without your sense of sight.

One person is "it" and closes their eyes. The rest of the group goes to one of the 4 corners (or 4 designated spots) of the room.  Be sure to identify each corner with a number 1-4 before starting the game.  "It" calls a number from 1-4, and children in that corner sit down.  Continue until there are 6 or 8 children left, at which point there may only be 2 children in each corner.  Finally, when only 4 children are left, there may only be 1 child in each corner.  The last person left standing - gets to be "it" for the next round.


2.        Pod Relay Races

Test your speed.  Jedi must be fast and work in teams.

Divide your Jedi Trainees into two training teams.  Line up at one end of the room or yard and place cones at the other end.  Use this set up to compete in any number of races—sack race, three-legged race, egg on a spoon race and more.  One of our favorites – the Wet Sponge Race.  The first Trainee races, with a large wet sponge on their head, around the cone and back.  Next trainee puts the same wet sponge between their thighs, goes around the cone and back.  Continue until the last Trainee returns to their home base.


3.        Darth Vader Pie Toss

Test your accuracy.  Jedi in training must test their accuracy to prepare for battle.

For this training transform a handcart into Darth Vader.  Simply cover the handcart with large black garbage bags.  Then cut out a Darth Helmet from black card stock and tape to the top of the cart.  Spray whipped cream onto paper plates and see if your Trainees can annihilate Darth Vader.  Please Note—This is a messy activity! 


4.        Pass the Death Star

Test your reflexes.  Jedi must rely on their lightning fast reflexes.

This challenge is similar to the "Hot Potato" game.  Take a large ball (basketball, soccer ball, etc.) and wrap it completely with aluminum foil until it resembles the Death Star.  (you may need some clear tape or double sided tape to hold the foil together around the ball)  Have everyone sit in a circle and turn on music.  The Death Star gets passed around from person to person.  When the music stops, the Trainee holding the Death Star moves out of the circle.  The last Trainee to stay in the circle wins!


5.        Light Saber Limbo

Test your agility.  Jedi must be limber

Have an adult hold a large light sabre as a limbo stick.  Play the Star Wars theme song and line up your Trainees to do the limbo.  How low can you go!?


Finally, bring the party to a close with a Smash!  Hang a Star Wars Pinata and use a light saber to smash it to bits.