Enjoy an interactive musical experience that will aid in you and your child’s aural sensory perception and social skills. We will sing and dance and socialize with other toddlers, and learn basic music skills in the process. We will explore percussion instruments, have sing alongs, and play musical games, and most importantly, have fun!
Website: www.eilandarts.com/toddler-tune-time.html
Location: Eilandarts Center (at The Station cafe) - 10 E. Chestnut St. Merchantville, NJ 08109
Address: 10 E. Chestnut St.
Merchantville, New Jersey 08109
Prices: $15/class or $72 for 6-classes pass
Age: Ages 5 and Under
Registration: Drop in OR Register Online: http://www.eilandarts.com/toddler-tune-time.html
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